Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas Run!!!!!!!

Come on get on the phones its the christmas run, the best time in the year to sell advertising, companies have got budgets they need to dispose of or else they wont get the same next year!

How many times have people heard that in the last 5 weeks?

Revenue is down though no?

What has happened to the posts on 800 notes? mysteriously deleted? a conspiracy I think, I think Mr Green or one of his pets have signed a company cheque to purchase or keep someone on side!

Still, its the calm before the storm.

So who wants to complain and report GDS Publishing Ltd?

Simple formula!

go to www.crimestoppers.co.uk.

Post an anonomous complaint containing as much information that you can about the company. List your stories of employee, company and drug abuse. List details of fraud where people do not use there real name, the lies on the media packs, circulation and readership etc.

At least this way if enough people post a comlaint an investigation will be launched.

Or if your feeling particularly brave, the contact the office for business enterpirse and reform. They are a government bosy whose job is to monitor UK companies and that they are operating illegaly. If they find that the companies are then very simply the directors are blacklisted and the company is closed down. They need real evidence though so bear that in mind.

Happy posting


  1. I really used to believe in all the hype and tripe at GDS - ashamed to say so - but once you step out of the situation and you have been treated badly as a loyal and hard working employee its difficult not to want someone's head on a plate. The buck has to stop at Mr Green. To all the current employees who come across this message - you're just one step away from the same realisation. If you want to stay blind to it, keep sucking in the bull they give you and fit in with the crowd.

  2. I'm thinking of applying for a job here, seen it on various websites...how much money can I make here seriously per month say?
    I'm not very ethical and could do with a fast buck?
    I'm not being sarcastic but maybe the one-two or in and out tactic may work?

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruK08K6rRw4

    This is just the beginning - check out http://www.gdsinternational.com/ - if you have dealings with anyone, make sure its with the CEO Spencer Green - tell him what a false, disgusting and rude company he has built.

    I get 4 calls a week from one or another of their 'worldwide' offices (boiler rooms) - one of their gullable just out of uni kids calling me pretending to be a trumped up exec. - put the phone down and save yourself the time and inconvenience.

    Horrible bunch the lot of them, trained by con artists to be con artists. Name and shame: Ollie Smart, Ryan Minshall aka Giggsy, Darryl Huff, Will Troutan, Debbie Chambers, Tony Arumugan, Kash Hassan, Harlam Davies, Selena Pargba, Jason Devon, Jason Green, Christian Morato, Dan Maggs, Ashley Palmer, Ryan Page, Roachy, Nick Roberts, David Pruett, Nick Coleridge, Dean Devon, Shahir Ahmed, Ben Riggle, Rich Llewelln, Tom Portingale, Jamie Matinelli, Carl Bax, Kieran Berkley, Laura Williams, Ben Thompson, Richard Owen, Max Ford, Elliot Lee, Rich West, Saf Chio, Farai Musa, Nick Ancell, Yuliya Sadykova, Jemma Pike, Pramel Shah, Fay Bednall, Matthew Rivoir, Edward Taylor, Sophia Loannidis, Joe Aglio, Carl Pflanz, Heather Briden, Amarinder Bajwa, Caitlin Kenny, Matt McCaffrey, John Contreras, Neil Mace, Abi Labaton, John Funnell, Aaron Marshall, Nick York, Sameep Nankani, Tudor Williams, Tom Parker, Dan Mikhailov, Hannah Edmunds, Josh Carpannini, Julie Pantoliano, Matt Rivoir, Ray Davies, Dave Edler, Gabrielle Hess, Tom Mayn, Rich Hemmens, Kieren Crawford, Phil Many, David Corr, Matt Waring, Bill Doll, Connor Duffy, Dave Cook, Gareth Jones, Natasha Fourie, Natalie Gould and many many many many more from the global hot house.


    Sue them every opportunity you get, publish nothing with them, don't get drawn into their summits, its ALL LIES!! NO ROI and NO CAREER PROSPECTS!!

  4. Sad basterds. Ain't you got lives

  5. I reported these guys to trading standards and not once did I hear back from them. I think its a joke how they can trade legally.

    Why did Trading standards ignore my email complaint?

  6. Carry on the complaints because GDS International Scam is really re structuring in that all the old lies about Publishing and circulations really got to them.

    No scam should go unpunished and no lie unnoticed. See to it that Oliver Smarts new scams do not succeed!

    GDS the truth shall set you free...you are all bums and shysters!

  7. GDS International is a scam.

  8. Get sacked for not making the grade did we?

  9. GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International, GDS International are very shady, do not accept their lies and do not do business with GDS International

  10. In all honesty, I don't think anyone who has been named and shamed above is liable or con artists, it's just the way the company operates and it's underlying values which, in turn, seem to cause people to want to do the best at their jobs (because they need them) which unfortunately means following the company mantra of lies and deceit.

    Most of the employees at GDS International are quite sound just trying to make a decent buck, it's just sales guys/gals which seem to get it in the neck as that's how the company operates!

    I say, to all those GDS International employees, get out while you still can and save your sanity, morals and perhaps even your entire career...

  11. I interviewed in 2021. I was recruited for an SDR role w/ a base of $65k and a promise of $500 for every 5 completed meetings per week, along with 3% commission on all set ups that become closed deals. Although it was a 8-5 M-F in office position (ironic for a digital events company) the base pay seemed decent and I accepted.

    Before I started, I knew I might be in for a wild ride as a quick search reveals this company has a few different names. GDS Group/ GDS International/ GDS Publishing. First red flag. Then you can start reading about the scams/lawsuits/complaints to the NY AG/ overall lack of ethics/ blogs dedicated to exposing their scams/NY Post even did a story on the horrific culture when the office was on Wall St. This dates back all the way to 2007.

    Money is money though, right? I’m young and broke and $65k base with what I assumed was a decent commission was better than anything else I’d been offered.

    I started training in NYC. While the office can be fun because they’re lucky to have a lot of great personalities, the leadership in NYC (SVP, Oliver Smart) and UK (Founder, Spencer Green) have been scamming companies out of their marketing and advertising budgets to line their own pockets since before the internet existed. They also scam their employees.

    Notice how GDSGroup.com has no leadership page and the “About Us” section is just a sales pitch. I don’t think Oliver Smart’s real name is even actually Oliver Smart. Seems too coincidental. I’ve met sociopaths before, he’s got a few similar traits.

    I then found out that the commission structure was only $250 for 5 leads and 2% on deals. Then I realized it’s nearly impossible to get a lead because the first minute someone fires up google after a good cold call, they see GDS featured on ripoff report. This website was even built.

    Yet Oliver & co constantly micromanage and harass employees, wondering why we can’t get decent leads…maybe because GDS has been scamming businesses for fake print advertising and worthless events for 30 years. I saw a comment online where someone referred to GDS’ Meet the Boss product as “Meet the Loss”. Spot on.

    They want us to make up fake company names for our cold calls such as “Security Insights” and “NG Healthcare”. We are also given a script that claims we’re best friends w/ senior VP’s and the C-level of (insert F100 enterprise here). We’re told to deflect any and all questions a prospect might have and then still get them to agree to a 30 minute meeting. I had written a script that I thought was phenomenal and I felt better about not lying, Oliver came to my desk and actually threw the paper in the trash.

    After successfully sourcing a lead that lead to $100k+ in revenue, I found out my commission would only be 2% instead of the agreed upon 3%. Then, the commission was taken away by Oliver Smart because of a rule he made up the day the contract was going out.

    They have no issue burning employees. They have no issue scamming and lying to prospects. I expected an FBl raid everyday I was in the office.

    They love to talk about how some of the senior execs are making over a million a year, I have yet to meet anyone besides Oliver that isn’t broke in the office though.

    My recommendation, don’t waste your time here. Don’t do business with them. You won’t ever make commission and you might end up doing federal prison time if you stay around too long. GDS’ reputation precedes itself.

    Also, you have to sign this insane 15 page NDA that threatens civil action if you say anything bad about them. I guess it’s a good thing I’m still broke.

    One day I’d like to learn Oliver’s real name. It’s probably like Dave or something.
