Thursday 29 October 2009

The Scam Continues

So another day goes by, another deal is done, in fact numerous deals are done in the 3 global offices of gds international. I thankyou for the posts and will continue to launch as many posts as possible.

So James Craven, sacked for gross misconduct and being a total prick, has a new company, hybrid Another ethical business no doubt.....NOT!

Rob Davis is dating Marianne, like he dated other employees, Rob must like the taste of second beacuse those girls did go through other employees before him ....gross!

So, what are we looking for? We need you to post your comments, we need you to post your stories, we need you to inform any and all companies that you no or have had dealings with in the past about the illegal and damn right questionable business practices, we also need you to post links or anonomous emails to gartner/IDC/Frost and other alliances about this plan. Make the complaint!

If they are not informed, the company will continue to practice in this way believing they are untouchable. The truth needs to be outed, the company needs to be closed down.

Just think of how you felt when you were either sacked, mistreated or found out the truth behind the scam? Wont it make you feel better to vent your anger constructivly?

Keep posting!


  1. wait, wait, wait...mariana is dating rob davis? this is so funny. this girl with no green card is basically fucking every upper management to stay in US. it's very, very sad! she screwed around with a total of four people that i know of at gds. does she have any morals and why are these upper managers dating their employees? that's illegal and disgusting.

  2. in order to help companies that GDS is contacting please list their pervious clients on here so if anyone comes across this website and know of these companies they can call them and let them know about GDS. That's the only way to prevent from lying to these companies.

  3. I checked this company out on Linked in and was absolutely astonished at the amount of VP, Directors this supposedly legitimate company has. PLEASE!!!!!!!

    You are all obviously call monkies and it is an insult to all the hard working executives out there! I have read on this site that middle management are referred to as booters!

    Well I am a booter that has TOTAL responsibly for over 3.5 million pounds of revenue per year - so f*** you!

    I also thwarted one of your CEO's ( Histerical laughter) RAY DAVIES attempt to scam my company into buying and editorial with a named CEO, the price went from nearly twenty US to 6 in the space of about a minute - great negotiating!!!!!!!!!!

  4. e: Gds Publishing And Events
    I used to work for GDS too.. I don't understand how they are still in business! Everything about the company is lies!! EVERYTHING! This company has a £30m turnover and employs around 300 people, so not a small outfit.. Somebody needs to stop this company because they ruin lives! Not just on the sponsorship/adsales side, but more importantly the people who are directly involved, the employees... The employees are brainwashed into this whole scam, GDS takes as much as they can from employees and then spits them out!

    GDS has 2 sides to the business, Events and Puiblishing... They are both complete scams.

    Events: GDS sells sponsors anywhere from £30k+ for ONE company to attend! The 'opportunity' for these companies to attend is so that they can meet and pitch C level decision makers who supposedly have huge budgets and are specifically working with GDS to solve thier pressing business issues. Sponsors are given the opportunity to attend 16 one on one meetings with C level heads of their choice and to be one of only 20 companies to do so. The sponsors are taken online in the pitch and shown a list of delegates who have 'contractually committed their attendance'.. In actuall fact, none of the delegates on the lists are confirmed, ignorant sales managers make them up, they litterally go through a particular industry and choose 50 of the biggest shakers and movers, put them in a list on a flashy website then pitch for companies for 6 months to pay extortionate amounts of money to meet them. When these sponsors actually get down on site they are greeted by not the most influential decision makers in the industry but lots of nobody executives who have no interest in what they do. In fact, and this is gods honest truth, the first ever event they held was in China, they didn't even bother trying to get rubbish delegates, they went around one day before the event and paid people off the street to come in and do the meetings. These people couldnt speak English!!! So when the sponsors met them they were none the wiser!!

    Magazines, not a lot to say really other than do the maths in your head, how on earth could a company send 40,000 COURIER DELIVERED magazines to a targeted audience and make money??? It is impossible, in reality what happens is the magazine takes sponsorship from anyone who will pay, they will print a few which get sent to the sponsors and that is it. Nobody else will see them.

    Magazine campaigns targets are around £300k, events £600k, for five people on the phone, salary, bonuses and minimal costs = massive profits.

    The whole company is f***ed, everybody inside are trying to f*** each other over and nobody really cares about anyone but themselfes. Great place to go if you want to learn sales techniques fast, but stay there for a year or more and you will turn into a tru GDS prodigy, a lying, stealing, backstabbing, fraudulent bastard who has no concern for anything but themselfes and money.

    Aside from the unbelieveable working conditions which resmble those of a Nazi concentration camp, there is a massive bullying problem there. It is part of the GDS institution to take good, hard working and honest people apart by breaking them down to their lowest point and building them back up in a sinister way. Managers and directors push this ethos heavily. There is also major problems with professional conduct, manager and directors excessively taking drugs esp cocaine in work, f***ing trainess, some people have even gone been caught with amounts of drugs, sent to prison abroard and then hussled out by brown envelopes stuffed with money to crooked diplomats.

    Spencer David Green, Chariman & Owner )GDS = S>D>G..). You are a horrible, dispicable man who deserves to lose everything you have and go to prison.

    Somebody stop this company before they hurt anyone else, dont wait, do it now!!!

  5. Well my career in gds is going to end pretty soon! In addition to the s**t I have to put up with on a daily basis, they have now upped my targets and reduced my commision rates on certain deals. Guys if you are prepared to work for a scam and sell ur soul, you can make more money selling lots of non existant commodities and not have to put up with this bull s**t.

    I work in the cardiff office and there are a number of real f***ing deluded wierdo's working there! My mate was telling me about this one girl that is so enamoured with gds, she reminded them of a pure full on cultist psycho , he also described her as a poster child for a curby cleaner sales person - SCUM!

    A couple of weeks ago I had to endure a 'training' session held by the newest scum bags on their way up the ladder! HOw to get noticed in GDS was the point of the brainwashing!

    Basically they encouraged you to stay late, pitch late, lead source late, come in early, steal other peoples leads (serious this was mentioned by a guy with the nick name roider!), get a good nick name ( goofy u fat f***), be loud, work through lunch, work through break, never ever sit down, insert yourself in oli smart's anal cavity, work weekends, lead source more etc, etc! And not to forget, lie to the most number of people possible to steal their money!

    I was absolutely f***ing gob smacked!

    This way you will get to be a sub manager (what ever the f*** that means), then manager and then maybe, just maybe after years of conning your way to the top, you may just make SD. Again u have to be spencers mate for this to happen, so keep the lube at the ready!


    What always makes me laugh is the fact that virually all the staff know this is a complete scam - yet they still continue to ram the bu***hit down your throat on a twice daily basis!

    I never really understood how people can be brain washed so easily, but hey this is what GDS thrives on.

    The recruitment video for GDS states that gds employees need to be intelligent, I disagree with this entirely. If you are intelligent, THERE IS ABOLUTELY NO F***ING WAY ON EARTH YOU WILL STAY IN THIS JOB LONGER THAN A COUPLE OF MONTHS AT THE MAX!

    You could not under any circumstances keep pitching like this for your entire foreseable future, there is no account management aspect to this job, no variation and hence if you do have more than two neurons knocking together in the old noodle - you would go completely insane.

    One other thing that I have always thought disterbing, is the propensity of managers, sd's and the desperado wanna bes, to carry cricket bats, wickets etc around the office occasionally hitting the desk when u least expect it - WHAT THE F***!!!!!

    GDS state that you can earn up to and above 60k. You will never ever, ever, ever earn this kind of money in GDS unless you are a beligerant, brain washed, emotionally crippled, brain dead, deluded, immoral f*** up!

    I would also like to add, that those of you who think that you are Gordon Gheko should wake the f*** up and prepare yourself for the inevitable career shift to the burger industry, you so richly deserve!

    That being said, I have met a couple of nice people there however the ration of good people to scum is herendously out balanced.

    Ah well well see if I make it through tommorow!

  6. To know about what companies they have done business with go onto all their events website:

    Those are just a a few but to get a listing go to
    Click on events and you're see a whole listing

    click on those links and watch the delegates and vendors testimonial videos. you can get companies they've worked with on there. if you know of those companies please write them a letter and let them know about GDS scams.

  7. Mariana Goncalves. She pitches delegates to come to GDS's "Summits" She's been dating Rob Davis for over a year, she has slept with numerous people in the office and on the Upper East Side. Some of them in his group of friends & I'm sure most of them that Rob doesn't even know of. Management 'dating/using' underperforming coworkers, just so they can have a work visa, HA

  8. I checked this company out on Linked in and was absolutely astonished at the amount of VP, Directors this supposedly legitimate company has. PLEASE!!!!!!!

    You are all obviously call monkies and it is an insult to all the hard working executives out there! I have read on this site that middle management are referred to as booters!

    Well I am a booter that has TOTAL responsibly for over 3.5 million pounds of revenue per year - so f*** you!

    I also thwarted one of your CEO's ( Histerical laughter) RAY DAVIES attempt to scam my company into buying and editorial with a named CEO, the price went from nearly twenty US to 6 in the space of about a minute - great negotiating!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I used to work for this company. I was straight out of school, needed money, and they had promised to a salary well over 100K through ad sales. The physical office environment is a boiler room. All the sales people on the floor wear headsets with attached wires, the sales director tells you to close your computers & ''start smiling & keep dialing''. Additionally, he tells the employees when to sit & stand (to get the tempo 'up' in the office). When GDS salespeople make a sale, they have the client fax them back a signed contract within 24 hours. When the contract floats through on the shared fax machine, the entire office claps & that salesperson is to ring a big asain-style gong.

    So what's the incentive? GDS pays absurdly low base salaries with extremely high sales commissions. Additionally, sales people are rewarded with lavish gifts, champagne, dinners, nights out, and of course, island vacations. Where as one company might use corporate incentives as a just reward, GDS uses gifts to make people stay a little bit longer.

    Some of these people in the company have drug issues, as cocaine runs rampant here.

    Might I mention, the infamous CEO, who is a raging alcoholic - who hits on all of the female employees. There have been quite a few cases where after a days work, the company would round everyone up like cattle to go to a bar & drink. The CEO would ask new, young, female employees to join them in his hotel room for the night & if they refused, he would say "well, you haven't been doing too well lately, and I think it's about time we let you go"....In turn, the girls that threaten to call the police, the media, etc... He had written them checks for $10,000, $30,000, etc....

    The most ironic part of this company is that - at their address on Whitehall St. in NYC - they are on the same floor as the U.S. Dept. of Labor.

    A couple of other GDS bits:

    1. They won't send you a magazine, and if you ask a salesperson to send you one & it winds up ''not a deal'', aka, the client doesn't purchase any advertising, they make the employee (of GDS) pay the company (GDS) $30.
    2. On the back of the GDS business cards, list the ''global offices'' of GDS International. The only offices they have is a NYC office, a Cardiff office & a Bristol office (Bristol is the ''HQ). The China & Australia office had shut down years ago.
    3. They *only* hire attractive, in shape, people to keep the office ''alluring'' & incestual.
    4. Salespeople will tell you all publications are "BPA Audited" - Which GDS pays $15,000 for 1 BPA Audit, usually just one time - and then they tell clients time & time again, all publications are audited. I'm not sure who runs this BPA Auditing company, but these publications do not go out.
    5. I've heard the conferences are actually pretty good & very bountiful; however, the publication is not.
    6. They've had various run-ins with independent analyst firms such as Gartner, etc...

    If you are at GDS and are reading this: Don't kid yourself. I was a ''top'' selling salesperson during my employment, made tons of money - which allowed me to luxuries I would've never had elsewhere. However, I was young, foolish & didn't realize the importance of ethics.

    During my employment there, I have made some amazing friends - some of whom still work for GDS, and that's the sad part. I try to tell them to leave, but they won't, the place is like a warped sense of reality. I've been wanting to shout from the rooftops about this place. I've wanted to alert the media, get this place raided, but I've been very scared b/c there are some dear people that still work there.

    If you are a past client of this company or an attorney, please, you have to do something about this. I am begging you. It's a disservice to companies all around the world.

    Thank you for reading.

  10. Having worked only in Bristol, reading this blog it's really interesting to hear that all of the other offices operate exactly the same! I wasn't sure that because Bristol is the HQ it was little worse than all the others..

    Anyway.. its obvious that GDS is totally illegal, anyone independant experiencing GDS would know in two minutes. To be honest, from my point of view, lying and ripping off corporate companies comes second to the way they treat their staff.

    Key bastards in Bristol

    Cash- The guy is a total psychopath, I've seen him totally lose it to the point where I thought he was actually insane, and I really mean lose it! The most hilarious thing about the guy is he is supposedly a Muslim, but snorts coke all the time, drinks, cheats on his Mrs, has children with various women, thugs out to Cardiff City, and leads a team of people whose mision is to rip anyone and everyone off, what a guy! I bet his parents are proud.

    Carl Bax- Thinks he's some kind of military general or top business leader, in actual fact he's probably the biggest bully I have encountered throughout my 30 years on this planet! To describe him for those that don't know, looks like a smack head version of John Travolta, walks about with the most ridiculous swagger, has NO communication skills and thinks he is the dogs bollocks, the best example of a tosser I can think of.

    Anyone have any opinions on these two creatures?

  11. Carl is a a bully until you look him in the eye or get a little physical then he is the biggest pussy! He is overly aggressive with guys and I's seen him fire on the spot someone who took his headset off to scratch his head (so no reason really just didn't like the guy)...a loser all around, but to be fair with Baxy even though he is a prick, bully out of another century vulture once you have a one to one with him and stand your ground he leaves you alone and I have never seen him harassing female trainees ever! (Like almost any other manager at Gds) so bully yes douche haven't witnessed it.

    Cash don't know him!

    Ollie = Jim only 20 years before. Same personality, same lying same level of douchnessness, hear he is in Bahamas living it large, spending all that hard conned money!

    Coke dosen't surprise me that midget allows it and loves it too.

  12. You should really know what you are saying before posting bullshit. I have known kash for years. He is a very generous guy. No one is perfect and he has given to my charity for years. He even paid for a friends ill son to go to disneyland. He is NOT a Muslim but even if he was does that mean he doesn't have faults. And yes he does attend cardiff city mostly with his parents and young family members.(not thugs) .and has kids with one ex wife. Not really a big deal. I only found this site by mistake when looking for a gds contact number . I have no idea if or what the company gets up too but I know Kash well.

  13. Yeah well can't blame Kash he wants to hang with the big GDS boys and do as they do. The culture is inherently rotten, just look at their turn over. They don't give a rats ass about anyone or anything as long as Spencer and Olly get their Coin. Sure they'll give you some crumbs but its all about money..and guess what?
    If they have to cheat, lie, scam and bull shit like they did for 12 years they will. If the most profitable path of least resistance is in putting on a great summit they will.

    One thing for sure their selling is just lying. If they did have a rebook rates as they claim they wouldn't really need to lie so much. Its all lies and they cannot be trusted. Oliver Smart, Spencer Green are type A pathological liars who are very extremly good at bs their way to money.

    Any one individual can go astray there. Its a cold, ruthless, money hungry, psychotic, sociopath schizo atmosphere. Spence never knew better or seen better so he thinks those neanderthal ways is how to build a culture-straight out of boiler room!

    Shame on you GDS scam, shame on you Olly, shame on all the lies you lie about and shame how you scam your clients and scam those kids.

  14. James Craven + Hybrid News = SCAM

  15. Thank you so much for posting this:

    So James Craven, sacked for gross misconduct and being a total prick, has a new company, hybrid Another ethical business no doubt.....NOT!

    Do not do business with James Craven, he is a SCAM artist.
